Tuesday, June 4, 2024

How to Confidently Defend against Religious Bullying!

Have you ever been the victim of Religious Bullying or Religious Abuse?

Do you know someone who has?

Gain complete confidence when encountering Religious Bullying or Abuse: proof that the Bible is based on the stars, in common with other ancient myths and sacred stories, and that literalist interpretations of Bible texts are wrong. 

This knowledge, once understood, is yours forever and points the way towards healing Religious Wounds and defeating Religious Bullying and Abuse.

Join me, David Mathisen, on 22 June 2024 for a free Self-Defense against Religious Bullying live zoom seminar, which will take place at:

5pm Eastern Time (USA), which is the same as 2pm Pacific Time (USA), which is the same as 7am Sydney/Melbourne Time (Australia: note it will be 23 June in Australia)!

This live Self-Defense against Religious Bullying seminar will last approximately (exactly) two hours.

Sign up via the "Events" page at https://www.undyingstars.com/events

Please tell a friend who might benefit from this free Religious Self-Defense zoom seminar!