Monday, June 17, 2024

Pisces in the predawn sky, and more arguments that our Earth is NOT flat (it's a sphere)

It is a wonderful time of year to view Pisces before dawn, along with other constellations in the region of Pisces such as Pegasus (and the Great Square), Andromeda, Aquarius, and others in the area.

Further, Aldebaran is presently rising in the pre-dawn sky above the horizon in the east just prior to the sun (heliacal rising).

Above is a photo that I took this morning looking towards the ecliptic and the zodiac band, which means looking towards the north from my location in Australia:

If you look closely on a good screen with good resolution, you should be able to identify the Great Square, and from there you can trace the Fishes of Pisces.

Below is a screenshot taken from Stellarium of the same region of the sky, from an observation point in Victoria, Australia (where I am located and where the above photograph was also taken):

And below is the same photograph shown at the top, the one taken by me this morning, and this time I have labeled and drawn in the outlines of the constellations:

I hope these diagrams will help you to identify Pisces yourself. Note that Pisces is an extremely faint constellation and one of the most difficult of the zodiac to identify, in my experience. I suggest always starting with the Great Square when trying to find Pisces, then identifying the locations of Andromeda and Pegasus, and then looking for Pisces forming a "V" along the southern and eastern sides of the Square.

Note also that you will probably need a very dark sky in order to see Pisces, and if you are located in the northern hemisphere and Pisces is too close to the horizon, its stars are easily drowned out by any light pollution along the horizon.

Note also that the orientation of the constellations, being "upside down" for a viewer in the southern hemisphere relative to their orientation for a viewer in the northern hemisphere, is not easily explained at all by proponents of the misguided "flat earth" cult, and I have never even heard any attempted explanation for this phenomenon by any adherents of the flat earth cult. However, these observable phenomena are very easily explained by the fact that we live on a spherical planet. 

This is why I must look towards the north to see the zodiac constellations when I am in Australia, but must look towards the south to see the same constellations when I am in North America, and why the "northern" side of those constellations point "down" towards the horizon when I am in Australia (because the north celestial pole is "down below" the curve of the earth from here), but the northern side of those constellations point "up" towards the top of the sky when I am in North America (because the north celestial pole is up overhead when I am in the northern hemisphere, whereas the south celestial pole is down below the curve of the earth).

Again, these observations are all very easily explained by the fact that we live on a spherical planet, but I have never heard any flat earth proponent even attempt to explain them, no matter how many times I point out these facts on social media.