Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What is this Emergency Declaration actually doing?

On 14 September 2001, George W. Bush declared a National Emergency "with respect to the terrorist attacks," as he put it, "at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States."

That National Emergency declaration went into effect for one year.

In September of 2002, citing the same "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center and the "continuing and immediate threat of further attacks," George Bush signed a "Continuation of the National Emergency," in a document which was entered into the Federal Register and which can be viewed here.

He extended the National Emergency for a year yet again in September of 2003.

Indeed, the National Emergency based on the "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center in September of 2001 has since been extended, each time for one year, by every single president from then until now. You can see all of those extending documents in the National Register (and below).

What is going on here? 

What does this National Emergency entail? Is there really a "continuing and immediate threat of further attacks" from the supposed perpetrators of September 11? 

Is this National Emergency which keeps being extended year after year just a "cosmetic" and meaningless example of political posturing? If so, why? Who is actually still believing that there is a "continuing and immediate threat" twenty-three years on?

The fact that it continues to be renewed each year, however, argues that this National Emergency actually does something. If it were simply some kind of cosmetic posturing, there would really be no reason to continue it for so long, through so many different presidential administrations from both parties. The National Emergency has continued to be renewed by Barack Obama in all the years of his two terms in office, and then by Donald Trump for each year that he was in office, and then by Joe Biden in each year that he was in office.

These men and their administrations must know that the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 simply cannot possibly be true. The numerous buildings at the World Trade Center which collapsed at FREEFALL SPEED (or at speeds which are essentially indistinguishable from freefall speeds) were brought down by controlled demolition -- including World Trade Center Building 7, which was a steel-frame building not struck by any planes according to the official narrative of plane strikes.

The official narrative cannot explain the collapse (into their own footprint) of steel-frame high-rise structures at FREEFALL SPEEDS. That requires controlled demolition.

The official narrative is lie. Those signing these continued National Emergency declarations must know it is a lie. In fact, twenty-three years on from that event, everyone who cares to look into the events of September 11 on even a cursory level should know that the official narrative is a flat-out lie. There have been enough documentaries and books and solidly-researched reports in the following years to prove beyond any doubt that the official narrative is false and has no basis in fact whatsoever.

Numerous wars, including the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, were launched on the basis of this blatantly false official narrative. Thousands of American servicemen have died in those wars, along with hundreds of thousands or even millions of men, women and children in foreign countries invaded by the United States in the intervening years.

Who is pushing this narrative? It should be clear by now that the president does not make any difference and does not actually run anything. That means that the US Constitution is not actually in effect as the supreme law of the land. And that is also Treason.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Remember August 8th and 9th, 1969

August 8th and 9th each year is the anniversary of the so-called Manson murders, which saw the brutal slaying of Sharon Tate, her unborn child, and her companions in the house at Cielo Drive in an operation that was intended to discredit the anti-war movement, hippies, African-Americans, and the American Left in general, and that was permitted to happen and then covered up by the very government agencies which are supposed to be protecting and serving the citizens that they supposedly serve.

In his blockbuster book, Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties, author Tom O'Neill exposes evidence which shows beyond doubt that Charles Manson and his cult were part of a government operation receiving help from federal agencies including the CIA, and that they were protected even when caught in the act of running prostitution with underage women, stealing cars and selling their parts through "chop shop" activities, stealing credit cards, firing automatic weapons at all hours of day and night despite complaints of neighbors, and violating parole repeatedly.

Above is a video I published a year ago around this time of year, discussing some of the extremely suspicious aspects of the Manson operation, aspects which the brilliantly insightful researcher Mae Brussell was already talking about on public radio as early as 1972. The video also discusses two connected films by blockbuster director Quentin Tarantino, including Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which explores the Manson operation within the wider American culture of the time from an artistic perspective.

This August 8th and 9th, please spend some time considering the implications of a government which participates in operations to disrupt popular movements through secretive, violent, and at times murderous acts. I would recommend watching the above video, the two linked movies by Quentin Tarantino discussed in that video, and then searching out and listening to multiple podcast interviews with Tom O'Neill about his Manson research.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Mars and Retrogrades with Simon, Patrik and Kesenya!

Here is a new video recently posted to Kesenya's Guiding Star YouTube channel entitled "Mars is YOUR most important Planet!"

The video features a conversation recorded on Saturday, 20 July 2024 between Kesenya, Simon Shack, Patrik Holmqvist, and myself. 

In it, we discuss the retrograde motion of planets and how the retrograde motion can be explained by various models of the solar system, and why the explanation of the conventional heliocentric model that we all learn in school falls far short of explaining the evidence that we can see with our own eyes -- and why that conventional heliocentric explanation absolutely falls flat on its face when it comes to explaining the behavior of the planet Mars!

Please watch and share as appropriate, and then pursue the evidence more deeply for yourself by exploring the material Simon and Patrik have published at no charge to the world at

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Celestial Medusa! Healing and Transformation

Above is a new video I've just published entitled "Celestial Medusa! Healing and Transformation."

It shows that it is only when we understand the Star Mythology behind the famous myth of Perseus and Medusa and Andromeda can we hear its profound message for our lives!

On 15 July 2024, Mars and Uranus will conjunct at the degree of the star Algol (in Perseus). In other words, if Algol's position is projected southwards to the Ecliptic, that is the same degree along the Ecliptic path where Mars and Uranus will be in a conjunction on 15 July 2024.

I recently did a guest appearance on the YouTube channel of Kesenya Guiding Star Astrology to discuss the celestial aspects of the Medusa myth in light of this upcoming conjunction.

This video shows that presentation, lightly edited, with the amazing message which the story of Perseus and Medusa and Andromeda can offer for our own lives and our own inner transformation.

I am also offering a new Three-Month Intensive Course on a subject related to the lesson of Medusa: "Recognizing and Trusting Eternal Self: Bible and Greek Myths" featuring live zoom seminars with me, starting this weekend, 13-14 July 2024. 

Because it is starting soon, you'll want to sign up right away (if interested), so that you don't miss it!

Reserve your spot by visiting
Please share and like and comment as appropriate: Thank you for your interest in my work!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

More evidence of a Deep Ancient Civilization before Dynastic Egypt

Above is a new video I have just published entitled "More Evidence of Deep Ancient Civilization before Dynastic Egypt!"

Star Mythology provides overwhelming evidence that the earliest civilizations known to conventional history *nherited a sophisticated system of celestial metaphor which forms the foundation for the mythology and sacred texts and artwork of cultures around the world!
I examine the artwork on the side of an ancient stone sculpture depicting a scene featuring the god Hapi of ancient Egypt and attributed to the reign of Senusret III of the 12th Dynasty.
In fact, it is related to similar artistic patterns found in ancient cultures around the globe, including the "Churning of the Ocean of Milk" story of ancient India (from the Vishnu Purana and other ancient Sanskrit texts), also known as the AmritaManthana or the Samudra Manthana, as well as a scene preserved in the so-called "Madrid Codex" of the ancient Maya civilization.

This scene is regularly interpreted by conventional historians in a political context, as the "uniting of Upper and Lower Egypt," but it can be shown to be built on a celestial foundation.

The authors of Hamlet's Mill (1969) perceived the connection between these patterns across cultures that the conventional paradigm of history tell us could not have possibly been connected, and they rightly argue that these connections and the evidence in myth completely upend the orthodox timeline of our ancient past.

They also argue (correctly, I think) that these scenes from ancient myth are encoding the ages-long motion of Precession.

But to even detect Precession (let alone to accurately calculate the rate of Precession, which ancient myths also encode using "precessional numbers") requires precise stellar measurements over the course of centuries, and thus the idea that an entire body of sophisticated mythology which ingeniously encodes precession in myth cannot fit inside of the orthodox academic timeline of human history. This artwork shows that Precession was already encoded in myth prior to the rise of ancient Egypt and ancient India and the ancient Maya! This evidence totally explodes the conventional paradigm of ancient human history.

Please like, subscribe, and share this video with those who may benefit from this information.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Questions you are Not Allowed to Ask! another conversation with Patrik about the Tychos and more

Here is a second recent conversation with Patrik Holmqvist, in which I am joined by my partner and wife Kesenya, to discuss "Questions you are Not Allowed to Ask."

I hope you will enjoy it, and share as appropriate! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Independence Day, 2024


INDEPENDENCE DAY: July 4th, 1776

The Declaration of Independence and the Spirit of '76 are still officially observed and celebrated in the United States of America today, BUT . . .

Counter-Revolutionary forces have taken over your government, in case you haven't noticed. Wake up.

The criminals occupying Washington DC are funding an openly pro-nazi army and regime in the Ukraine (almost completely defeated now), and an ongoing, in-your-face, televised genocide in Gaza which includes bombing of hospitals, demolition of universities, slaughter of non-combatants including women and children, and deliberate withholding of food and water and medical supplies in order to induce a famine and non-combatant deaths, all of which are war crimes.

Peaceful protests by US citizens against the genocide being funded and enabled by Washington DC have been crushed.

How did we get here? Assassinations of real American Presidents, including President Lincoln and President Kennedy (and not by "lone nut" assassins either) and replacing them with collaborators and clowns -- that's how we got here. You haven't had a real President since at least 1963.

Happy Independence Day, 2024.

image credit for the above recruiting center and comparison eagle: Andrei Martyanov's Reminiscence of the Future blog, 18 June 2024.