Native American cultures know that Wendigo is a dangerous, people-devouring spirit. This video explores that important concept, showing that the Ancient Wisdom given to cultures around the world warn against this spirit, and discussing what it means for our lives, today.
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Here is a video of a conversation with Krasi Attasio in which we discuss some aspects of Egyptian and Mesopotamian Star Myth and Astrology. The video was recorded on 19 January 2025.
Krasi is an Astrologer from Bulgaria who specializes in the Astrology of Ancient Babylon using a Sidereal Astrology perspective.
I hope you will enjoy our discussion, and please feel free to comment and share as appropriate!
How much of what we think comes from our Unconscious rather than from our Conscious Mind?
The world's Ancient Myths show us the landscape of our Unconscious! But Parasitic Monotheistic Literalists centuries ago hijacked the wisdom given in Myth to all the cultures of the world -- and continue to use their same centuries-old tactics on humanity today.
Few of us have any real appreciation for the tremendous power of the Unconscious.
Understanding the power of our Unconscious is an important first step -- and from there we can go on to realize that the Unconscious is the Realm of the Gods, and to begin to listen to what the ancient Star Myths given to our ancestors want to tell us about those gods and goddesses who dwell there.
What could the Maya art on Lintel 15 from Yaxchilan have to do with ancient Sumerian cylinder-seal depictions of Enki and Ziusudra???
More incredible and undeniable Star-Myth proof of a forgotten Deep Ancient culture preceding any of the most-ancient civilizations known to conventional history, that's what!
This new video goes over some territory I have already covered, such as connections between depictions of Zeus (Ancient Greece) and depictions of Chahk (Maya), in order to open up a new discussion of Enki (Ancient Sumer), Na Gua (China), the Nagas (Ancient India), and the Maya concept of the Nagual!
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It explains evidence which strongly suggests that the Copernican model of the Solar System may be completely wrong -- evidence including the famed Michelson-Morley experiment (and subsequent attempts to prove the speed of Earth's supposed motion around the Sun), and also evidence pertaining to the synodic intervals of Mars (impossible to fit into a Copernican model).
The Tychonic model of our Solar System, proposed by the great astronomer Tycho Brahe (1546 - 1601) and updated by contemporary genius Simon Shack, argues for a different arrangement -- an arrangement which explains aspects of the observable motions of Mars (which the Copernican theory cannot explain and which Copernican advocate Kepler has now been found to have fraudulently altered in order to try to fit them into his Keplerian model of the Solar System), and which also explains the results of the "failed" Michelson-Morley experiment.
This model demonstrates that the retrogrades of the planets are not mere "optical illusions," as argued by advocates of the Copernican and Keplerian models -- but rather actual loops made due to the fact that the Sun is itself making a "binary"-type orbit and pulling along the other planets (in their circular orbits) as it does so.
The ancient science of Astrology (found across cultures worldwide) argues that these retrogrades have tremendous importance and impact on the energy and life of organisms on our Earth. In the Copernican arrangement, in which the retrogrades are understood to be mere "optical illusions," the importance of planetary retrogrades would be imaginary -- but if the Tychonic model is correct, then the impact of retrogrades becomes much more understandable, and in fact PROFOUND.
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