Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Jesus, Usury, and MMT

Here is a recent video I've published entitled "Jesus, Usury, and MMT."

It dives into the question: What was the Number One vice, according to the prophets of the Bible stories?

The answer: Money Lending and charging Interest!!!
You won't hear self-styled "Bible Authorities" talking about THAT today, but the Bible saw Usury as being a violation of the Ten Commandments, akin to THEFT.
And if you think this is an issue that doesn't impact every single one of us, it most certainly does!
Everything from the skyrocketing cost of housing, to the student debt crisis, to retirement insecurity, to the influence of Wall Street and private equity over the political process is related to THIS SUBJECT!!!
Find out why MMT ("modern money theory" or "modern monetary theory," which is also ANCIENT money theory) drives the moneylenders crazy, and why they don't want you to understand MMT and the solution it offers to those problems.
Find out why Abraham Lincoln wanted a National Bank, and why he was seen as being such a threat. And, see how the story of Jesus "Cleansing the Temple" is based on the stars, and holds a timeless message for our lives, right in this very present moment!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Equinox Message! March 2025

Here is my Equinox Message for you this March, 2025.

Sending positive wishes to all visitors of this blog this Equinox season.

Monday, March 17, 2025

Saturn and your Golden Age Self

Here is a recent video I published entitled "Saturn and your Golden Age Self."

Please share as appropriate if you enjoyed it!

Thanks for watching.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

They are Lying to Us!

Above is a video I published entitled "They are Lying to Us!"

When you really absorb the fact that those who are supposed to be creating positive conditions for the people of your nation are actually LYING to the people and laughing about it, and understand the implications of the Hijacking of the World's Ancient Wisdom You will ask "What should I do?" "What CAN I do?" This video features discussions about:
  • Neil DeGrasse Tyson and President Bill Clinton laughing about a Moon Rock,which (they claim) was CARBON DATED as being over 3 billion years old!
  • The ongoing BS story of the Moon Landings.(see my video "No Stars in Photos! No Memory of Stars in Astronauts! Did we really go to the Moon?" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXdqCn22Z2A&t=4s and
  • see also the excellent examination by Massimo Mazzucco entitled "American Moon" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY )
  • The ongoing obfuscation about the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
  • The ongoing violation of the Treaties of Fort Laramie.
  • The ongoing Scriptural Supremecism being taught and practiced by Biblical Literalists.
It's all connected.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Path of the Modern Ancient

Here are some recent videos I have posted about the path of the Modern Ancient.

These videos follow on the heels of the revelations in the earlier video, "Wendigo Spirit: What it means for our lives today."

Above is the first video of the series, "Wednesday! Odin, Hermes, Didgeridoo."

Below are related videos, including "Thursday! Thor, Jove, Zeus, and More!" and

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Wendigo Spirit: What it means for our Lives Today

Above is a video I posted recently entitled "Wendigo Spirit: What it means for our Lives Today."

Native American cultures know that Wendigo is a dangerous, people-devouring spirit. This video explores that important concept, showing that the Ancient Wisdom given to cultures around the world warn against this spirit, and discussing what it means for our lives, today.

Please share as appropriate -- thank you for watching!

Conversation with Krasi Attasio

Here is a video of a conversation with Krasi Attasio in which we discuss some aspects of Egyptian and Mesopotamian Star Myth and Astrology. The video was recorded on 19 January 2025.

Krasi is an Astrologer from Bulgaria who specializes in the Astrology of Ancient Babylon using a Sidereal Astrology perspective.

I hope you will enjoy our discussion, and please feel free to comment and share as appropriate!