Sunday, March 17, 2019

Who was Saint Patrick? Better to ask "Who IS Saint Patrick"!

Today is March 17, associated with the figure of Saint Patrick.

Who was Saint Patrick? Perhaps it is more appropriate to ask, "Who is Saint Patrick!"

Above is a new video just published, entitled "Who was Saint Patrick? (Sagittarius? or Ophiuchus?)"

In it, I reconsider my argument published last year at this time, in which I argued that Patrick is associated with the figure of Sagittarius in the heavens.

Based on new research published by Melissa Campbell on her website Mercurial Pathways, I began to wonder if the figure of Saint Patrick might be associated with the important constellation of Ophiuchus rather than with Sagittarius.

Special thanks to Melissa for sharing her work with me and alerting me to the presence of sacred-site alignments stretching from the British Isles across the continent of Europe and all the way to the Levant at the eastern side of the Mediterranean, and to her suspicions of a connection between the figures of Saint Patrick and Saint Michael.

As the above video explains, I initially dismissed the possibility of a connection between the two, based on my earlier analysis which strongly suggests that Michael the Archangel who vanquishes the dragon as described in Revelation 12: 7 and following can be identified with Ophiuchus, standing above Scorpio in the heavens. Because I had previously concluded that Patrick was probably associated with Sagittarius, I did not believe that Patrick and Michael could be closely associated with one another, or even the same heavenly figure.

However, upon further reflection, I suddenly realized that Saint Patrick might actually be identified with Ophiuchus as well, an identification which supports the possibility that Patrick and Michael are closely related after all. 

I strongly recommend carefully reading through the arguments presented in Melissa Campbell's five blog posts at the site linked above. One of the most intriguing details she discovered is the importance of "phi days" at specific sites, defined as those days during the year upon which the twenty-four hour day of the earth's rotation is broken into two unequal periods of daylight and darkness, such that the ratio between the longer period and the full day is the same as the ratio between the shorter period and the longer period. 

On these special days at specific sites (often sites explicitly linked to Saint Michael), when the relationship between daylight and darkness closely approximates the Golden Ratio phi, the azimuth of the sun's rising leads to the discovery of alignment lines which point to chains of other sacred sites, which again are often explicitly linked to Saint Michael. In addition, the distances between three sites in a line will sometimes closely approximate phi as well. 

See Melissa Campbell's explanation of how she discovered this exciting principle of following phi day azimuths, when she noticed that the ratio of daylight to darkness approximates phi on the feast day of Saint Michael at the site of the famous cathedral of Mont Saint-Michel (which in English would again be Saint Michael), in her fourth post "Gold: Michaelmas, Phi Days and the Milky Way." You may want to read the previous three posts leading up to that one to get the bigger picture.

The existence of these ancient sacred site alignments stretching across great distances and including in their patterns the locations of very ancient monuments such as Stonehenge and the Giza Plateau has tremendous implications for our understanding of humanity's ancient past, and suggests that the conventional paradigm of ancient history is gravely flawed and in need of radical revision. The evidence that the world's ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories from virtually every culture on the globe are built on a common system of celestial metaphor also suggests that our understanding of our past stands convicted of gross error at best.

The traditional legend that says that Saint Patrick chased the serpents out of Ireland can be shown to be linked to ancient myths involving the defeat of serpent- or dragon-figures, including those between Apollo and Python, Zeus and Typhon, Marduk and Tiamat, Maui and Tuna, Heracles and the Lernaean Hydra, Krishna and Kaliyah Naga, Thor and the Midgard Serpent, and many others. These myths can be shown to be patterned upon specific constellations in the night sky -- and they obviously predate the rise of literalist Christianity by thousands of years. 

Like the "ley lines" explored by Alfred Watkins (1855 - 1935) and Melissa Campbell, these myths stretch across continents and over seas and oceans, connecting us to distant cultures and to the most distant past. I am convinced they have a profound message for us today, one which we greatly need to hear, and one which can lead to great benefit and blessing on an individual and a worldwide level -- but only if we keep an open mind and are willing to admit errors and even change our entire paradigm, when the evidence points to the possibility that we have been wrong.