Friday, November 6, 2020

Welcome to new visitors from The Amish Inquisition Podcast! (and to returning friends)

Very big triple thank-you goes out to hosts Phil, Ben and Matt of the Amish Inquisition Podcast for inviting me over to a conversation, tracking me down all the way from their hometown of Preston in Lancashire along the River Ribble in England, north of Manchester!

The conversation is best followed on video, because it contains visuals including artwork and star-charts, beginning at about 0:38:30 in the file above, which you can also watch on YouTube here.

This interview was recorded on 01 November 2020.

We covered a range of important topics during our visit, some of which have not been discussed on any previous podcast. Below are links to blog posts which pertain to some of the subjects we touched upon, for those wishing to explore further:

Additionally, prior to watching the video, it would be helpful to carefully study this high-resolution image of the planet Jupiter that the lads posted to their social media recently, since it comes up during the discussion of some ancient artwork and myths:

I hope you will enjoy this interview and the subjects discussed! Please give Phil, Ben and Matt some positive feedback under the video, and subscribe to their YouTube channel if you're interested in seeing more of their podcasts and videos.