Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Iroquois Creation Story Workshop -- Weeks 03 and 07!

Hear the First Nations Iroquois Creation Account in the First Language Mohawk as read (and then translated, paragraph by paragraph) by First Nations Mohawk wisdom keeper Trina Stacey Ienonhsaka'én:ions!

This sacred story shares a celestial foundation with ancient myths, scriptures and sacred stories given to other cultures around the Earth, on every inhabited continent and island. 

The above video is from Week 7 of the ongoing workshop exploring the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois First Nations) Creation Story, being held in Kahnawake Mohawk Territory.

This discussion is a continuation of those recorded in the previous weeks of this workshop -- you can go back and see the videos from earlier weeks using these links:

Week Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qE5ByRQmhBo&t=484s

Week Four https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXnwaA3QE2k&t=2495s Week Five https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiS3nTsMjN0&t=3545s

Also included this week for the first time, and linked above as well as embedded below, is the video recording from Week Three of this same Workshop.

Please feel free to share with those for whom this information would be positive in some way!