Friday, June 14, 2024

How the Narmer Palette totally DESTROYS Ancient History!

I've just published a brand-new video entitled "How the Narmer Palette totally DESTROYS Ancient History!"

The conventional accepted academic version of humanity's ancient past simply cannot stand up to the overwhelming evidence around the globe pointing to a comprehensive Star Myth system already existing and fully developed prior to the very earliest known civilizations -- including that of ancient Egypt.

The Narmer Palette is attributed to the reign of the first king of the First Dynasty of ancient Egypt, King Narmer, who supposedly united Upper and Lower Egypt to start the first civilization out of a hazy pre-dynastic period of some unknown centuries or millennia, out of which suddenly a new civilization appears around 3200 BC, producing the beautiful workmanship of the Narmer Palette.

However, when we note that the symbology of the artwork on the Narmer Palette is undeniably celestial in its foundations -- as is the symbology in the artwork of other First Dynasty pharaohs including King Den (discussed in the video) -- insurmountable problems start to arise which, when considered carefully and fully understood, show beyond doubt that the conventional timeline of ancient history is flawed beyond repair and in need of radical revision.

As John Anthony West explained in his landmark 1979 book Serpent in the Sky, all the evidence points to the inevitable conclusion that ancient Egypt did not "develop" its incredible civilization, but rather inherited it. In addition to all the evidence that John Anthony West and other researchers have discussed to support that conclusion, the Star Myth evidence reveals beyond any doubt that the very first surviving tablet from the very first king of the First Dynasty already manifests celestial patterns which are also found in the ancient civilizations of India and of Central America -- as discussed in this video.

Please share this video with anyone you know from academia who still continue to uphold the untenable timeline of ancient history, and please "like" the video to help it gain traction so that YouTube will show it to more people who might be interested in this analysis.

And, as the video also shares, our upcoming Stars Over Egypt experience is approaching fast, this November! Join me as I point out celestial patterns in the actual artwork at the incredible sites of Egypt, and then also point out the constellations at night in the starry sky using a laser pointer, along with Kesenya from Guiding Star Astrology and Patricia Awyan Lehman from Horus Rising Khemitology.

I hope you can join us!