Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What is this Emergency Declaration actually doing?

On 14 September 2001, George W. Bush declared a National Emergency "with respect to the terrorist attacks," as he put it, "at the World Trade Center, New York, New York, and the Pentagon, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on the United States."

That National Emergency declaration went into effect for one year.

In September of 2002, citing the same "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center and the "continuing and immediate threat of further attacks," George Bush signed a "Continuation of the National Emergency," in a document which was entered into the Federal Register and which can be viewed here.

He extended the National Emergency for a year yet again in September of 2003.

Indeed, the National Emergency based on the "terrorist attacks" on the World Trade Center in September of 2001 has since been extended, each time for one year, by every single president from then until now. You can see all of those extending documents in the National Register (and below).

What is going on here? 

What does this National Emergency entail? Is there really a "continuing and immediate threat of further attacks" from the supposed perpetrators of September 11? 

Is this National Emergency which keeps being extended year after year just a "cosmetic" and meaningless example of political posturing? If so, why? Who is actually still believing that there is a "continuing and immediate threat" twenty-three years on?

The fact that it continues to be renewed each year, however, argues that this National Emergency actually does something. If it were simply some kind of cosmetic posturing, there would really be no reason to continue it for so long, through so many different presidential administrations from both parties. The National Emergency has continued to be renewed by Barack Obama in all the years of his two terms in office, and then by Donald Trump for each year that he was in office, and then by Joe Biden in each year that he was in office.

These men and their administrations must know that the official story of what happened on September 11, 2001 simply cannot possibly be true. The numerous buildings at the World Trade Center which collapsed at FREEFALL SPEED (or at speeds which are essentially indistinguishable from freefall speeds) were brought down by controlled demolition -- including World Trade Center Building 7, which was a steel-frame building not struck by any planes according to the official narrative of plane strikes.

The official narrative cannot explain the collapse (into their own footprint) of steel-frame high-rise structures at FREEFALL SPEEDS. That requires controlled demolition.

The official narrative is lie. Those signing these continued National Emergency declarations must know it is a lie. In fact, twenty-three years on from that event, everyone who cares to look into the events of September 11 on even a cursory level should know that the official narrative is a flat-out lie. There have been enough documentaries and books and solidly-researched reports in the following years to prove beyond any doubt that the official narrative is false and has no basis in fact whatsoever.

Numerous wars, including the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, were launched on the basis of this blatantly false official narrative. Thousands of American servicemen have died in those wars, along with hundreds of thousands or even millions of men, women and children in foreign countries invaded by the United States in the intervening years.

Who is pushing this narrative? It should be clear by now that the president does not make any difference and does not actually run anything. That means that the US Constitution is not actually in effect as the supreme law of the land. And that is also Treason.