Tuesday, December 24, 2024

More Star-Myth Proof of our Forgotten Past: Enki and your Nagual!

Here is a new video that I just posted entitled "More Star-Myth Proof of our Forgotten Past: Enki and your Nagual!"

What could the Maya art on Lintel 15 from Yaxchilan have to do with ancient Sumerian cylinder-seal depictions of Enki and Ziusudra??? More incredible and undeniable Star-Myth proof of a forgotten Deep Ancient culture preceding any of the most-ancient civilizations known to conventional history, that's what! This new video goes over some territory I have already covered, such as connections between depictions of Zeus (Ancient Greece) and depictions of Chahk (Maya), in order to open up a new discussion of Enki (Ancient Sumer), Na Gua (China), the Nagas (Ancient India), and the Maya concept of the Nagual!

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