Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Welcome to new visitors from the Debra Gets Red-Pilled podcast! And to returning friends

Big thank-you to Adam and Chud of the Debra Gets Red-Pilled podcast for inviting me over to discuss Star Myths and related subjects!

The show is built on a unique premise: can the guest convince Adam's mother-in-law, Debra, of an eye-opening truth about our current paradigm, one which is denied by the conventional narrative (and which thus equates to the famous "red pill" offered to Neo by the figure of Morpheus in the 1999 movie The Matrix).

Adam and Debra had encountered arguments related to "astrotheology" in the past and had remained skeptical -- and in fact, had been left with some negative impressions of the entire concept. However, Adam's co-host Chud remained intrigued by the idea that the world's ancient myths are based on the stars and, being familiar with my work, invited me on to discuss the evidence, and Adam and Debra gamely decided to give it another try.

The video above contains our conversation, which includes some visual presentations I prepared showing some stars relating to ancient stories (mostly from the Bible this time).

Welcome to any new visitors finding this site for the first time as a result of this interview (and welcome back to returning friends)! Please give Debra, Adam and Chud some positive feedback if you enjoyed it, and feel free to share with others who might benefit from this information.