Monday, October 3, 2022

Welcome to new visitors from Esoteric Thoughts! (and to returning friends)

Big thank-you to Esoteric for inviting me over to his channel Esoteric Thoughts for another stimulating and enjoyable conversation, this time with Professor Dennis R. MacDonald of the Claremont School of Theology, whose area of scholarship involves the Iliad and the Odyssey of Ancient Greece and the evidence of undeniable parallels between these ancient poems and the texts which are included in what we call the New Testament.

The video of our conversation is entitled "Academia & Astrotheology Discuss Homer" and it was recorded on 25 August 2022. 

There will be a Part Two of this interview to be posted later which will cover some of the evidence and artwork that I prepared for this conversation which we did not have time to address due to time constraints.

I very much appreciate Dr. MacDonald's scholarship and his courage in bucking the academic consensus of his area of study to present his evidence for the abundant thematic and structural parallels between the Odyssey and the Gospels -- evidence which I too have noticed and which I have addressed in previous blog posts such as "Parallels between the Odyssey and the Gospels." 

While Dr. MacDonald was obviously very resistant to many aspects of the arguments that I am putting forward regarding the evidence that the characters and events in both the Odyssey and the New Testament texts are based on an ancient world-wide system of celestial metaphor which connects virtually all the world's ancient myths, scriptures, and sacred stories, I appreciate his willingness to discuss these subjects. I feel that there were also points during our conversation where he clearly seemed to pick up some of the arguments that I was making and "run with the ball" to offer some excellent insights related to the two sets of texts.

Welcome to any new visitors who are encountering my work and this site for the first time as a result of this conversation between me and Dr. MacDonald, facilitated by Esoteric. I hope that you enjoyed the discussion and found it valuable, and I hope that you will continue to explore these important subjects -- and share them with others who might find them helpful as well. 

And of course, welcome to returning friends! You can find other previous conversations I have had with Esoteric in the Podcasts section of my website, or by searching the YouTube channel of Esoteric Thoughts. If you enjoy them, please take the time to thank Esoteric for all his hard work and effort in producing this excellent content!