Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Independence Day, 2024


INDEPENDENCE DAY: July 4th, 1776

The Declaration of Independence and the Spirit of '76 are still officially observed and celebrated in the United States of America today, BUT . . .

Counter-Revolutionary forces have taken over your government, in case you haven't noticed. Wake up.

The criminals occupying Washington DC are funding an openly pro-nazi army and regime in the Ukraine (almost completely defeated now), and an ongoing, in-your-face, televised genocide in Gaza which includes bombing of hospitals, demolition of universities, slaughter of non-combatants including women and children, and deliberate withholding of food and water and medical supplies in order to induce a famine and non-combatant deaths, all of which are war crimes.

Peaceful protests by US citizens against the genocide being funded and enabled by Washington DC have been crushed.

How did we get here? Assassinations of real American Presidents, including President Lincoln and President Kennedy (and not by "lone nut" assassins either) and replacing them with collaborators and clowns -- that's how we got here. You haven't had a real President since at least 1963.

Happy Independence Day, 2024.

image credit for the above recruiting center and comparison eagle: Andrei Martyanov's Reminiscence of the Future blog, 18 June 2024.