Above is an eye-opening presentation by Professor Gordon Freeman of Saskatchewan, an Oxford- and University of Saskatchewan- and McGill-trained scholar and Professor Emeritus at the University of Alberta.
Professor Freeman's deep background in chemistry enables him to perceive patterns that others don't notice, which is very interesting in light of the fact that Dr. Reinoud de Jonge (one of the authors of the
previously mentioned examination of stone sites in the "New World" and the Old entitled
How the SunGod reached America c. 2500 BC) is a Dutch physical chemist and teaches chemistry and physics.
In the video below beginning at about the 1:30 mark Professor Freeman explains how his childhood and the enthusiasm of his father influenced his interest in the stone relics he found in Canada, and how his professional training in chemistry helped him to see "patterns of stones all over the place" (4:08).
He says:
My life career -- what they paid me to do for thirty-seven years -- was complex systems in chemistry and physics, and pattern recognition is the strongest analytical tool, and so I'm automatically hooked into recognizing patterns when I see them, and patterns in biology, and patterns in geology, and patterns in lightning strokes: if you see similar patterns you can take them back nearly always to similar mechanisms. They don't involve the same entities, but the general mechanisms are the same.
In the slide show at the top, he explains some of his remarkable pattern-recognition, and what it led him to discover about a remote sacred circle near an old abandoned city known as Majorville in Alberta (and hence sometimes called the Majorville Sacred Circle, and other times the Sun Temple in Alberta).
His slideshow illustrates the evidence he has found pointing to the conclusion that this Sun Temple is at least 5000 years old.
The beautiful photographs clearly show that this Sacred Circle incorporates "V-shaped notches" on the horizon. Readers of this blog may remember a post from earlier this year entitled "
Aligned stones, V-shaped notches, and massive but subtle sculptures found in India, New Zealand, and Peru" which presented clear evidence of remarkably similar stone monumental technique in locations as widely dispersed as India, New Zealand, and Peru. According to the evidence presented by Professor Freeman, we should add Canada to this list.
Further, Professor Freeman in his book
Canada's Stonehenge: Astounding Archaeological Discoveries in Canada, England and Wales explores undeniable similarities of patterns between the Sun Temple in Alberta and ancient stone circles in the British Isles*. Such connections are extremely damaging to the conventional isolationist paradigm which currently grips academia but should not come as too great a shock to those familiar with the
incredible mass of evidence which refutes that outmoded view.
The entire world should be grateful to Professor Freeman and his wife Phyl for their diligent work in perceiving and communicating this extremely important find, which has such powerful implications for human history. Their work is truly advancing the cause of the truth.
His book deserves wide examination and careful consideration.
* An extended second edition of Professor Freeman's book has recently been published under the title
Hidden Stonehenge.