Monday, August 3, 2020

Stars, Myths, and Tarantino Films: new podcast discussion with DJ Ezza

Big thank-you to Eric D, aka DJ Ezza, for inviting me over to his new podcast for the above conversation about stars, myths, Higher Self, trauma, and the films of Quentin Tarantino -- particularly Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.

After hearing about my work through my recent appearance on Sam Tripoli's Tin Foil Hat show (see previous post here), Eric invited me to be a guest on his own podcast, which has just reached its 25th episode: Congratulations!

Additionally, after reading my previous blog post entitled "Meditations: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," Eric wrote to ask if we could perhaps focus on some of the issues raised in that blog post (from July 27th, just a week ago), and then segue into discussion of myths and stars from there.

He noted that this approach might bring up some new perspectives that will keep things fresh and differentiate from previous podcast conversations -- and I agreed that his suggestion was an outstanding idea.

The discussion recorded above is the result -- I hope you will find that it explores some new ground while also connecting to my primary focus of research: the myths and the stars and their message for us today.

This interview was recorded on August 01, 2020.

If you want to download the audio, you can find the show and the file at this address.

Please give Ezza some positive feedback for a very engaged and insightful interview -- he definitely brought out some good angles on the subject matter and made our visit into what I hope will be a very worthwhile resource for those who may not be as familiar with the topics discussed, but also for those who might be very, very familiar with them!

I'm sure he would appreciate it if you subscribed to Ezza's YouTube channel here, and also if you gave him a podcast rating through iTunes or whatever other podcast-interface app that you use.

Most of all, please consider sharing this podcast interview with friends and family who might be interested in these subjects, if you feel the information would be positive to them.