Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Introducing the Undying Stars Academy!

I am very excited to announce the launch of The Undying Stars Academy: systematic and comprehensive online courses teaching step-by-step the ancient world-wide system of Star Myth Astrotheology!

The first two courses are intended as "foundational" courses to lay the groundwork for later courses which will dive into specific mythologies from around the world (such as an upcoming course which offers a celestial tour of the Bible, and future courses on the myths of ancient Greece and on the Norse myths and on myths and sacred stories from other cultures on our Earth).

These two foundational courses give a framework which will help you get the most out of all the other courses to follow -- and these two courses are: 

Celestial Mechanics and the Myths


Recovering our Deeper Self

I hope you will enjoy these courses if you choose to take them, and that you will find all positive things inside!