Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Solstice and the Spiritual Birth: December Solstice, 2021

We are rapidly approaching the moment of December Solstice for the year 2021!

Earth will reach that specific relationship with the Sun when our southern pole is pointed "most directly" towards the Sun about eight hours from now (as this is being published), at 7:58 in the morning on 21 December (Pacific Time), which is 10:58 in the morning on 21 December (Eastern Time in North America), which is which is 1558 Greenwich Time on 21 December.

The four great stations of the two solstices and two equinoxes frame the annual cycle of our Earth's relationship to our Sun -- and they also form the structural frame of the system of celestial metaphor for the world's ancient myths and sacred stories, including the stories in the Bible but also the myths and sacred stories of cultures around the globe.

The December Solstice holds particular significance within this great esoteric framework, because it was associated with the "second birth" -- the spiritual birth -- and the re-awakening to Higher Self, from whom we so easily become estranged and alienated during the life in this world.

Above is a short excerpt from a much longer and more detailed conversation on this very subject, a conversation which took place between myself and Kesenya of Guiding Star Astrology on December 4th of this year. 

This excerpt contains some discussion of the importance of the December Solstice, when the sun's path reaches its lowest point, from the perspective of an observer in the Northern Hemisphere -- as well as some discussion about why the birth of figures representative of Higher Self in myth are sometimes associated with the point of midnight, three days after the day of December Solstice.

Here is the link to the short excerpt above, and here is the link to the entire conversation with Kesenya from earlier this month.

Here is a link to an earlier blog post entitled "The Three-Day Pause," which I published in 2016 and which is pertinent to the subjects discussed in both the shorter and longer video selections above.

The theme of recovery of and reconnection with Self runs through the world's ancient myths -- and is closely associated with this very specific point of the December Solstice in the annual cycle. 

I sincerely hope that this December Solstice of 2021 will be a joyous and a meaningful one for you, and thank you for your interest in the work I am doing exploring these ancient treasures given to us for our blessing today -- and every day.