Thursday, August 20, 2020

Austerity and Rent-Seeking vs Public Infrastructure and Prosperity

I've recently published this new video, entitled "Austerity and Rent-Seeking vs. Public Infrastructure and Prosperity."

It explores a web of connected subjects which are important to understand but which in my experience are very rarely understood, involving the subject of rent-seeking and a power struggle (continuing to this day) involving the privatization by a very few of the gifts of nature and the gods which should instead be  properly understood as having been bestowed and intended for the benefit of all the people.

The discussion in the video makes use of arguments presented across a number of the writings and analysis of Professor Michael Hudson, particularly arguments he articulates in an article he published in 2011 entitled "Simon Patten on Public Infrastructure and Economic Rent Capture," available on his website at

It also refers to the decades-long work of the developers of Modern Monetary Theory, including that of Warren Mosler, and suggests that those interested check out Warren Mosler's page where he makes available several of his books and articles for free reading in their entirety online.

Previous posts which have touched on these and other related subjects include:

I realize that for all of us, challenges to a paradigm which has been ingrained at all levels of education (and which continues to be reinforced through the complicit media, including NPR) will usually be met with skepticism and even some hostility. I would, however, recommend reading at least the top entry on Warren Mosler's "required reading" list (linked above) prior to immediately rejecting some of the assertions in this video (some of which very much run counter to what we have been taught to believe)!

Thank you for watching!