In the seventh edition of Dr. Walt Brown's explanation of the hydroplate theory entitled In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (2001), the author makes a straightforward prediction based on his theory.
"Beneath major mountains are large volumes of pooled saltwater," he predicts. The reason for such trapped water is that according to his theory, there was initially a large volume of water trapped beneath the earth's surface, which eventually escaped in a catastrophic rupture, leading to a global cataclysmic flood. Due to the water's forceful escape, the edges of today's continents were formed as sediments were blasted away, and eventually the removal of material led to an upward movement of the basement rock below. The continents slid away from this upward movement, towards a deep basin that formed opposite -- the Pacific basin. Eventually, they ground to a halt in a major "compression event" which Dr. Brown describes and which explains many features found on the earth's surface today.
Dr. Brown explains the fact that some of the water which did not escape should still be trapped in certain parts of the earth, deep underneath the surface: "As mountains buckled up, the remaining water under the plate tended to fill in large voids. Some pooled watershould still remain in cracked and contorted layers of rock. This would partly explain the reduced mass beneath mountains that gravity measurements have shown for over a century. Friction at the base of skidding hydroplates generated immense heat, enough to melt rock and produce huge volumes of magma. Crushing produced similar effects, as broken and extremely compressed blocks and particles slid past each other" (104-105).
Dr. Brown published those words in 2001. In this Forbes story from 2008, the findings of a geothermal company seem to powerfully confirm Dr. Brown's theory and prediction. Entitled "Journey to the Center of the Earth," the article describes an Australian company involved in geothermal energy production. As the diagram above shows, geothermal companies look for heat in the earth, usually at areas where there is magma under the surface (note that Dr. Brown discusses the creation of magma in the paragraph above). The company, Geodynamics in this case, will inject water into the earth where it will be heated, and force heated water up a different outlet well. This hot water will then be used to create steam that generates electricity.
The Forbes article from 2008 explains that this process does not always go exactly as planned, due in part to incorrect assumptions on the part of conventional geologists: "Geologists and engineers have a lot to learn about the rock formations they will encounter. Geodynamics was surprised to find hot, high-pressure water in the granite it first thought was relatively dry. While that is ultimately a pleasant discovery for the company, the surprise cost it dearly: The pressurized water led to the failure of Geodynamics' second well in 2005 and nearly bankrupted the infant company."
The discovery of hot, high-pressure water is exactly what Dr. Brown's hydroplate theory would expect to find in deep wells drilled into the types of areas he describes in the above paragraph. The fact that he predicted this sort of discovery in 2001 and that Forbes published a report of that taking place in 2008 is powerful confirmation of Dr. Brown's predictions and the validity of his theory.