Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Introducing the Mathisen Corollary

The Mathisen Corollary offers new perspective on the alternative theory of mankind's ancient past, examining the clues from ancient myths, from the geological evidence on our planet's surface, and from the archaeological evidence from Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, and Teotihuacan, among other sites. It provides new evidence in support of the theories of a cataclysmic global flood, using both mythology and archaeology in addition to geology. It includes a detailed explanation of important celestial phenomena, particularly the precession of the equinoxes, and a refutation of the conventional theories of plate tectonics and Darwinian evolution.

Have you ever felt that the conventional explanation of mankind's history doesn't seem to add up?

For instance, since conventional geological theory and plate tectonics teach that the continents are drifting by as much as 30 millimeters per year (a little over an inch a year), then why are the sides of the Great Pyramid still almost perfectly aligned with the cardinal directions? Not only that, but the astronomical alignments intended by the builders are still intact after more than four thousand years.

The same question can be asked about the impressive pyramids and monuments of Mexico and Central America, which also contain precise astronomical alignments still intact in contrast to what would be expected if plate tectonics were true. The megalithic structures at Stonehenge also preserve their astronomical functions, even though conventional scholars admit they may be 5,000 years old or even older.

Even more difficult to answer using the conventional explanations are the many amazing correlations between the dimensions and ratios of the pyramids of Giza, megalithic structures like Stonehenge, and the pyramids of New World sites such as Teotihuacan.

Because of this mass of evidence from around the world contradicting the conventional paradigm, many thoughtful men and women have offered alternative theories, backed up with extensive research. The Mathisen Corollary builds on some of the valuable insights of many of these, while offering some new insights and explanations as well.

A corollary is a theory or proposition that follows from another theory, or deals with related subject matter as another theory.

The Mathisen Corollary takes the hydroplate theory of Dr. Walt Brown, which argues that the earth experienced a cataclysmic global flood, and applies it to the facts of man's ancient history that are not satisfactorily explained by the conventional paradigm. Dr. Brown primarily examines geological evidence in support of his conclusion. While he touches briefly on the fact that the mythology of many cultures around the globe describes a flood which is survived by a small number of people and animals, the focus of his work is primarily on the natural sciences.

The Mathisen Corollary examines the extensive evidence from myth and from archaeology which indicates the existence of an advanced ancient civilization with knowledge of the dimensions of the earth, sophisticated mathematical concepts, and details of astronomical phenomena that conventional academia asserts were not understood in even rudimentary form until the late Hellenistic and Roman periods.

There have been others who have also argued that there is overwhelming evidence to believe in the existence of such a civilization, but they have generally pursued other explanations for its existence and its disappearance. The Mathisen Corollary suggests that the hydroplate theory both explains this anthropological evidence more satisfactorily than alternative theories, and is in itself strengthened by the evidence from ancient myth and archaeology that are the primary clues to solving the mystery of mankind's distant past.

Other important theorists discussed include:
  • Giorgio de Santillana (1902 -1974) and Hertha von Dechend (1915 - 2001), the authors of Hamlet's Mill: an essay investigating the origins of human knowledge and its transmission through myth (1969). While de Santillana and von Dechend certainly did not accept the idea of a world-wide flood (and in fact, ridiculed the idea in their text, believing the legend of the flood to have been a metaphor for events which take place in the celestial sphere), their ground-breaking and extensive exploration of the clues found in myths from around the world for the existence of an advanced ancient civilization is essential to the argument in the Mathisen Corollary. The Mathisen Corollary provides even more extensive explanation of the celestial mechanics at the heart of de Santillana and von Dechend's thesis, along with numerous illustrations to enable the reader to understand the complex mechanics of the sky with confidence. This celestial machinery is crucial to deciphering the clues left to us from our ancient predecessors. Evidence from Hamlet's Mill is discussed, and augmented with new evidence found in other ancient mythology from around the globe.
  • Martin Doutré, author of Ancient Celtic New Zealand (1999) and a website of the same name, who has provided extensive and original analysis using archaeology and mythology, notably from New Zealand (which has received little examination from alternative theorists) but also of megalithic sites in Europe, east Asia, and the Americas.
  • Graham Hancock, well-known author of numerous important studies of the evidence for an alternative paradigm for understanding mankind's ancient past, including Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper of Genesis (with Robert Bauval), Underworld, and Heaven's Mirror, who has put forward various theories to explain what happened to the ancient and advanced civilization or civilizations. Some of these are based on the theories of Charles Hapgood (1904 - 1982), author of many valuable works full of insights and examinations of his own, including Earth's Shifting Crust, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, and The Path of the Pole. The thesis of the Mathisen Corollary is that the evidence for a global flood (particularly some of the details in Walt Brown's theory) provide a much better fit for the evidence than the crustal-displacement theories; nevertheless, what is important to note is that men such as Professor Hapgood and Graham Hancock, perceiving that the dominant paradigm of academia does not satisfactorily explain the evidence around us, especially the evidence which has come down to us from very ancient sources, are doing their best to suggest alternatives that fit the evidence more accurately. While other theories may later prove to be more satisfactory than these preliminary hypotheses, they are orders of magnitude better than the dominant academic paradigm, whose defenders deliberately ignore and marginalize clear evidence that threaten their position.
  • Jane B. Sellers, author of Death of Gods in Ancient Egypt: A Study of the Threshold of Myth and the Frame of Time, who took the thesis of de Santillana and von Dechend and concentrated in particular detail on the application to the Egyptian legend of Osiris, Set and Isis. Her insights into this seminal mythological series build on and amplify the work of Hamlet's Mill and are absolutely vital to any examination of the mythology of later cultures.
In a sense, this work is a corollary to the theories advanced by these pioneers and others. By adding the geological element of Walt Brown to the ground broken by de Santillana, von Dechend, Doutré, Hancock, Sellers, and others, important new perspectives can be achieved and further light shed on this critically important topic (more on its importance to follow in future posts).