Why is it important to know if there was an advanced ancient civilization predating dynastic Egypt, possessing knowledge of the size and shape of the earth and how to navigate across its oceans, as well as sophisticated mathematical skills and unbelievable architectural prowess?
Why is it so important for so many in academia to deny such a possibility?
The existence of such an advanced civilization, at such an early date, completely upsets the conventional narrative of mankind's past, which includes a timeline of gradual improvement and almost unbroken progress through the ages. Such a timeline generally mirrors the assertions of Darwinism, which also posits gradual improvement and advancement in biological species from primitive to complex and sophisticated.
But the evidence clearly shows that the real timeline was almost the exact opposite to what is taught in schools and universities. Instead of centuries of progressive improvement, what we actually find is a precipitous decline from advanced understanding and ability to millennia of what can only be described as relative ignorance.
Because this understanding of mankind's past is suppressed at every turn, we are unable to move forward to the point of asking what lessons it has to offer us, a people who live at a point in history that can look back on centuries of tremendous technological advance and who take continued centuries of progress to be our birthright. Until we can even acknowledge the decline that took place, we can hardly begin to ask why it happened.
It is also evident that whatever the cause of their disappearance, the ancients were very careful to preserve and encode the fact of their existence and the knowledge they felt was most important in a way that would withstand millennia of chaos. In fact, they did this so effectively that we can still find their clues today, even during a period in which few in the academic community are looking for them (and some are in fact deliberately ignoring, ridiculing, and suppressing such signs). Perhaps they encoded other knowledge whose secrets we have yet to unlock.
How did they do it? It is apparent that they did so not only through the incredible megalithic structures but also through their mythology and legends. It is also evident that in many cultures there were groups of initiates who passed on some dim recollection (and perhaps in some cases a clear understanding) of the significance of the knowledge hidden in these myths and monuments.
Because of the suppression and general lack of awareness of the truths about mankind's ancient past, we generally operate today using various false assumptions and models which expose us to various liabilities. At the very least, they teach people to believe that they are little better than animals, or that they are in fact beasts. Worse, they paint a picture of age after age of nearly unbroken progress, giving a false sense of security and complacence that can prevent us from looking for warning signs. Those who try to prevent others from looking into these things can in some sense be thought of as deliberately removing the warning signs that might alert us to dangerous conditions ahead.
For these reasons, it is vitally important that everyone examine the evidence for themselves and reach their own conclusions. The Mathisen Corollary is written to provide some of the tools for readers to do so.